The Anna Banana Show
Our Story
Dear Church Family, I want to personally welcome you to The Anna Banana Show website (Our Story page). The Anna Banana Show is on a mission from Almighty God to unify and mobilize the Church to end the Holocaust in the womb (Abortion) nationwide.
This mission will be accomplished by proposing and ratifying a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution called “The Right to Life Emancipation Proclamation.”
This is a calling that the Lord Jesus Christ has placed on my life to unify and mobilize His Church to pray, fast, and vote, and be engaged in the political arena to elect only political candidates who are fully committed to proposing and ratifying a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to abolish the practice of Abortion nationwide.
As founder of this spiritual grassroots coalition, it is my life’s mission to champion life from its inception in the womb by our Creator to its reception in heaven by our Creator. I am an avid proponent of a culture that values the sanctity of life from conception, and an avid opponent of a culture that promotes the death and destruction of life.
The Lord of all creation, Jesus Christ has called me to start this spiritual grassroots coalition to unify and mobilize His Church to Abolish Abortion in the United States. Since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, more than 63 million abortions have occurred in the U.S.
Let that sink in for a while Church!
That is over 63,000,000 innocent and defenseless human babies created by Almighty God, in the image of God whose rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been permanently erased. As God’s Church, we have been called to be salt of the earth and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-16).
In Proverbs 31:8-9, our Savior Jesus Christ instructs us to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and defend their rights. We have also been instructed in Proverbs 24:11-12 to rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
Only God has the sovereign authority to give life and only God has the sovereign authority to take it away. Proximity does not equate to divinity. Just because a person is in your womb, does not give you divine authority over their personhood. As God’s Church, it is our mandate to carry out and honor God’s commands.
Did you know that Roe v. Wade was a Dallas case? It all began in North Texas 52 years ago with a district attorney who prosecuted abortion laws and a woman named Norma McCorvey who considered that to be unfair. Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey, also known by the pseudonym "Jane Roe", was the plaintiff in the landmark American legal case Roe v. Wade in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that individual state laws banning abortion were unconstitutional. Henry Wade was an American lawyer who served as district attorney of Dallas County. He participated in the U.S. Supreme Court case that held abortion was a constitutional right, Roe v. Wade.
Likewise, the spiritual mandate to abolish abortion also begins in North Texas, with Dallas as the headquarters for this spiritual grassroots coalition to end the legalization of killing innocent babies. If you consider yourself a member of God’s Church, I urge you to show your unwavering commitment to putting an end to the holocaust in the womb by downloading The Right to Life Emancipation Proclamation with its corresponding Certificate of Commitment.
A a member of God’s Church, you will also get the opportunity to participate in the “Esther & Mordecai Challenge.” You would repent for the sins of our nation pertaining to the legalization of abortion and intercede for each child whose mother is considering an abortion that God will intervene and give them a change of heart.
Our goal is to unify, educate, engage, motivate, challenge, and mobilize the Church of God to commit to ending the holocaust in the womb (Abortion) from our nation.
Once you download the Right to Life Emancipation Proclamation manuscript and the Certificate, you will now be called a Right to Life Warrior. Right to Life Warriors are members of God’s Church and United States citizens of voting age advocating for the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for human babies in the womb.
The Bible tells us that every person’s life is a gift from God from conception, and should be celebrated and not discarded or destroyed. I empathize with women who have been raped and may be facing life threatening issues due to pregnancy. Although these situations are exceptions rather than the norm, no human being has the right under any circumstances to end the life of another innocent human being. The life of a developing human being is not less important or more disposable than that of the mother. Everyone’s life is valuable and and equal in the eyes of Almighty God. All men are created equal.
The Church must and should show genuine care and compassion to all of God’s creation including expecting mothers who need our help and support during challenging times. We must acknowledge their challenges and experiences and listen, pray, and provide practical support whenever possible. That is why we will also work with local and willing Churches whom we will certify to come Life Liberty Happiness Pregnancy Centers to counter Planned Parenthood in our communities. Instead of a pregnant woman seeking “healthcare” from an abortion facility, she can seek real healthcare for herself and her developing child at a local Church that has been certified as a Life Liberty Happiness Pregnancy Center
However challenging our circumstances maybe, it does not give us the right to terminate the life of an innocent person. It is not a woman’s right to bodily autonomy when the body being terminated is not hers. She is making the choice to terminate the life of another innocent human being, not hers. She is making a choice for another person’s body in her womb; not her body.
God Almighty who creates human beings in His own image should decide who lives and who dies. Be careful, If you ask your government to give you the right to destroy the life of another human being, you are also giving your government the right to destroy you. When you agree with the legalization of murder for the innocent, you have essentially cosigned yours.
This is how spiritual lawfare works. The reality you normalize for others will become your reality. Let’s put an end to a culture of death that is Abortion!
The Right to Life Emancipation Proclamation
The Bible tells us that we shall all stand before God on Judgement day to give an account of what we did with the life that He gave us. What a wonderful account we shall have to give knowing that we showed unwavering support to defending life and abolishing abortion.
Download The Right to Life Emancipation Proclamation Digital documents to learn more about our mission. Particularly if you are a Christian, able to vote, a citizen of these United States, and committed to putting an end to the holocaust in the womb.
There is a $1.00 (one dollar) non-refundable fee for each digital download which supports our spiritual grassroots coalition effort in abolishing abortion and defending life from conception.
“Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy.”
Our Story
Between 2014 through 2020, I was going through many trials and tribulations during that I believe were supernatural. As I sought the Lord Jesus Christ for His will to be done and for His Holy Spirit to guide me, the Lord led me to focus on the Book of Esther.
I will admit, I became obsessed with the story of Queen Esther. My family can attest to my obsession for all things Queen Esther. I, for one, could not figure out what was happening..
The Holy Spirit began leading me to fast and follow in Queen Esther’s footsteps. I started fasting for myself, my family, President Trump, and our nation. During that fast, as I began studying and understanding the need for fasting, I started a ministry called Esther’s Call. Esther’s Call was intended to spread the message of fasting to the body of Christ to make fasting part and parcel of their prayer lives.
As I was studying the Book of Esther, the Lord gave me deep insights about the practical applications and implications of biblical fasting in growing closer to God and presenting ourselves as living sacrifices.
Before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ began His ministry, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. It is very important to note that before Jesus Christ started His ministry, He prepared Himself with Fasting for 40 days.
Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan [where He had just been baptized] and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry. And the devil said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." (Luke 4:1-3)
We should not think that Satan tempted our Savior with merely three or four temptations, as recorded in this chapter, as well as in Matthew 4. The text says that He was "tempted for forty days"—meaning that He was under constant attack for the full forty days, every day! This was an intense, prolonged test and more personal and powerful than we have ever experienced. The terrible evil that He faced in the wilderness would likely have crushed us.
As the Bible clearly points out, Jesus Christ defeated the devil with Fasting and the Word of God. Although His flesh was weak from starvation, He was filled with the Holy Spirit; the power, the strength, of God was pumping through Him.
When our flesh is afflicted and denied of its lusts as we are fasting, our spirit becomes stronger. Fasting can be depicted as putting on a spiritual garment of sackcloth in mourning, which is necessary in humbling ourselves as a part of the process in examining and scrutinizing our lives.
Fasting brings our heart into alignment with God. The very best offering we can present is a humble and contrite heart, put on the fast track through fasting.
As I fasted and progressively humbled myself before God, I heard God’s voice clearer, heard His conviction, experienced His forgiveness, saw His guiding hand, and surrendered all my cares to His sovereign power.
I experienced victory at the close of my fast when I heard this voice clearly speaking to me, “Anna, justice lies in the Courts of Heaven. Surrender all to me. The plans I have for you are not to fail you but to prosper you.”
The intent of fasting is to deflate our pride—the major taproot of sin—the biggest deterrent to a positive relationship with God. Humility heals the breach.
Though fasting deprives the physical body of nutrition and strength, a proper, biblical fast adds conviction and depth to the inner, spiritual man.
Fasting teaches us to realize just how dependent we are on God. Every day, every hour, every minute, He supplies us with everything we need for life.
God’s true Church must understand that fasting is vital in securing victories over sin in our lives and in the lives of others.
In May of 2024, the Lord called me once more to fast for myself, my family, President Trump, and our Nation. A few weeks into the fast, while taking a shower, it was as though I had an out of body experience and witnessed a revelation In heaven.
This revelation involved Satan’s request for judgment under God’s law regarding the murder of over 63 million babies in the United States, and Christ’s intercession for God’s Grace if His Church will repent from the sin of Abortion and commit to ending the legalization of abortion throughout the United States.
The Lord Almighty Jesus Christ, gave me this mandate to share with His true Church that now was the time to act. President Trump’s presidential victory in the 2024 presidential race was America’s last trumpet to get behind God’s calling or mandate and act immediately on the issue of Abortion.
In the Scriptures, the Feast of Trumpets depicts a time when angelic beings sound an alarm, warning God's saints to prepare to put themselves under His sovereign rule.
It is also a somber reminder not to get complacent in our calling, foolishly believing the scoffers (both outside and inside the church) who undermine God’s edict to His people to get involved in the winning and saving of souls.
The Church must take this matter seriously and fast to seek God’s guidance as we united and mobilize God’s Right to Life Warriors to abolish abortion in America.
My name is Anna Bender, but feel free to call me Anna Banana. I am a Christian, a Wife, and a Mom to four beautiful children. I live in the Lone Star State of Texas and count it a privilege to serve my Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
You maybe wondering why the name “Anna Banana,” or why I call my show “The Anna Banana Show.” Anna Banana is a fun nickname that was given to me by my college friends. When they started chanting “Anna, Anna Banana, Anna, Anna Banana…,” I would start doing a goofy dance and it was lots of fun.
While in college, the Lord showed Himself mightily in my life. I could not help myself but share my testimony to anyone or any group that was willing to listen.
I was eager to spread the word about all the wonderful miracles God had done in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ has been more than faithful to me and my family.
I have witnessed supernatural events and seen the hand of Satan trying to steal, kill, and destroy God’s plan for my life. However, the Lord kept me as I willingly surrendered to Him daily.
When the Lord saw that I needed someone to stand in the gap for me, the Lord sent several committed warriors who stepped up and defended my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Talking of happiness, another fun hobby of mine that I enjoy and brings me and others lots of happiness is baking banana bread. I named my delicious banana bread Banana Mana. I bake it every weekend and share with family and friends.
Hopefully some day, I will get to share my Banana Mana with all of our Right to Life Warriors as we work to mobilize the Church to abolish abortion in America.
I am passionate about God, Country, Life, and Liberty for all mankind from conception in the womb to reception in heaven. I guess you could refer to me as a Right to Life Warrior.
The first chapter of Esther begins with the king of Persia, Ahasuerus, giving a huge feast for all the princes of the land. He wants them to see his great wealth, his mighty army, and as was the case in those times, to show off his harem of beautiful women. The Bible says this feast lasted six months!
After this feast, the king has another, week-long feast for the common people of Shushan, his capital. On the seventh day, King Ahasuerus commands that Queen Vashti appear before him and his guests.
For some unknown reason, the queen refuses his command. In those days refusing a command of the king was tantamount to writing one's death sentence. The king, extremely angered by her refusal, signs a decree that she never appear before him again. Her house is taken away and probably everything else she owns as well.
In chapter 2 the king decides to fill the vacancy left by Queen Vashti. Another decree commands young virgins to be brought to Shushan for the king's evaluation. Hearing of the decree, Mordecai brings Esther before Hegai, the eunuch in charge of the king's harem.
When it comes time for Esther to appear before the king, like Hegai, he is also captivated by her and selects her to become the next Queen of Persia. "The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti" (Esther 2:17).
Isn’t it amazing to see how God, through His divine providence, placed Esther in the King’s Court to save her people? This once little orphan girl who looked forward on an uncertain future until an older cousin stepped forward, took her into his home, raised her as his own child, and now she is Queen.
God knew that a day will come when Esther would have to intercede on behalf of her people through King Ahasuerus of Persia.
It is clear from scriptural text that King Ahasuerus is larger than life personality, filled with prideful, and yet impartial and open-minded to his subjects. Haman, without question, leverages the King’s pride to get the King to approve and sign Haman’s murderous decree against the Jews.
Also, the King’s impartial and open-minded posture led him to entertain Queen Esther’s many requests and work with Mordecai to approve a decree that would give the Jews the right to defend themselves from Haman’s decree.
It is clear that King Ahasuerus and Haman, at the very least suffered from statism. In agreeing to sign a decree that called for the death sentence for every Jew throughout the provinces of Persian, this was clearly an act of statism
“Statism is when the state tries to play God. Or tries to be God. Or goes all the way and declares that it is God. Statism is what happens when the collective hubris of modern man joins forces to declare that the murdering of developing men in the womb is a constitutional right.
In Romans 13:1-7, Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, makes this very clear: Government is accountable to God. Why? Because governmental authorities, be they an emperor, king, or duly elected representatives in a constitutional republic, are God’s servants.
Paul is indeed arguing that “every person” should be subject (or submit) to the government in general, but to be clear, this is not an unlimited submission -matters such as abortion are an afront in the eyes of Almighty God and should not be tolerated.
In the eyes of God, the government is His servant. It is both appointed by Him and accountable to Him. It’s critical for Christians to remember this for many reasons, perhaps primarily because governments so often forget it (or reject it) — and when they do, a descent into “statism” is just over the horizon.
Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord or Lords. Only God sets up kings and takes them down. As stated in Daniel 2: 21, “It is He who changes the times and the periods; He removes kings and appoints kings; He gives wisdom to wise men, And knowledge to people of understanding.”
This is why we must know that the Bible teaches that all governments are ultimately placed by God and responsible to God. They are His servants, not His replacement.
“Government was established by God. Our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, affirms that all authority comes from God when it states that all men are ‘endowed by their Creator’ with rights—in fact unalienable rights, rights that cannot be taken away, because they were given by God!”
Because God establishes government, and has given unto mankind certain unalienable rights, a government that rules rightly under God will respect those rights and not infringe upon them.
What happens when a nation forgets these truths? When a government forgets that it is accountable to God and slides into statism? What would that look like in the United States? First, we decide that murdering developing men in the womb is a constitutional right.
It is quite clear that all men have to be created for men to exist in the first place. The notion that developing men, whose course of development are common to every and all men, can be terminated because they are not fully developed is nothing short of demonic.
It is God alone who gives life, no the government. It is therefore not the government’s to take the life of innocent developing men.
Because when the government forgets that it is accountable to God, it tries to play God. Disaster and death — such as we witnessed in Germany under Hitler, in the Soviet Union under Stalin, and in Communist China under Mao — soon follow. Man-made horrors beyond comprehension such as the legalization of abortion come to life under governments that view themselves as God.
Therefore, just as it is important that Christians understand the purpose of government (to restrain evil and commend good), it is equally important that they understand that a biblical worldview of government begins by knowing that government is accountable to God; it is, in fact, God’s servant.
The only King that all men answer to is Jesus Christ. When a human King forgets that their place belongs under God, and not equal to God, they need to be reminded. Who is best suited to remind the government of their rightful place under God than God’s true Church?
Just like the three young Hebrew God-fearing government officials said these famous words, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-30
In conclusion, when it comes to the issue of abortion, God’s true Church must demand that the government stop playing God and commit to abolishing abortion.
The legalization of abortion by any government is the equivalent of the government setting up itself as King of Kings. No government should seek to make life and death decisions in a manner that is only fitting for God to make as King of kings and Lord of lords.
In the Book of Esther, God is never mentioned by name, but there may be no other book in the Bible where God is more visible. The providence of God shines through clearly as we see Him working out His plan in its ten short chapters.
We also see the depth of Mordecai's faith and Esther's humble and courageous submission in denying herself and risking her life for her people.
Two incidents stand out in particular: Mordecai's mourning for his people and Esther's humble self-sacrifice. When we see their examples clearly, our own trials may seem more endurable and conquerable.
Chapter 3 of the Book of Esther reveals an antagonist named Haman. Haman is a government official who is over all the king's princes. Haman’s title and position goes straight to his head, and he considers himself above others. The king commands that all the people of the land bow before Haman just as they would bow to him, but Mordecai refuses. Haman's anger grows each time he has to pass before Mordecai just to have Mordecai not bow before him.
Therefore Haman devises a plan that will not only get rid of Mordecai but all other Jews as well. Haman knew that whatever scheme he wanted to carry out had to meet the king’s approval.
One of the best ways of getting that approval was by contributing to the king’s coffers. He then presented the reason for his plan to King Ahasuerus: There is a nation dispersed throughout the empire who abides by different laws than everyone else. They do not respect the law of the king, and it is therefore fitting for the king to rid himself of these infidels.
Haman continued that if the king liked this idea, it should be recorded, and that he would deposit 10,000 silver talents into the king’s treasury. King Ahasuerus took his signet ring off, gave it to Haman, and told Haman that he could do as he saw fit.
With the king's approval, a decree to this effect was written and sent to all the provinces. On the 13th day of Nissan, Haman had the decree written up, and it was sent out to every province in its respective language. The decree said that all Jews, young, old, children and women, were to be exterminated on one day, the 13th of Adar, and their possessions were to be plundered. The edict was sent out immediately.
Haman wanted this edict publicized right away, even though it was eleven months before the execution of the decree, because Haman feared that King Ahasuerus would change his mind. Once the decree was out, the fate of the Jews was sealed.
Just as wicked Haman, a government official felt it was within his power to play God and terminate the lives of innocent Jews created in God’s image, government officials in the United States Supreme Court did the same.
Similar to the decree Haman got the King to approve and sign, Roe v. Wade was a landmark 1973 Supreme Court case that established a constitutional right to abortion. Justices of the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protected a right to have an abortion.
Meaning that a pre-born baby, created in God’s image could be murdered by their own mother, and is not deserving of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Even though our founding documents declare that “all men are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and happiness, somehow, the developing men in the womb are denied those rights.
God’s true Church can learn a lot from the Book of Esther. The book of Esther is a perfect example of the love and outgoing concern we should be practicing toward our brethren, including our fellow developing men in the womb.
Paul writes:
This is a faithful saying . . . that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. . . . [Again] let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. (Titus 3:8, 14)
Just as Queen Esther, Mordecai, and God’s people (the Jews) prayed and fasted to seek God’s intervention to secure their lives, liberties, and properties, so too must the Church do for the preborn babies.
In addition to praying and fasting, in order to challenge and defeat Haman’s evil decree, and they also worked through government officials such as King Ahasuerus and Mordecai and employed governmental processes to secure their lives, liberties, and properties.
Although Roe vs. Wade was overturned in 2022, ending the federal protection of abortion rights. Abortion is still legal in many American states. Meaning that not all men have the right to life, liberty, and happiness.
God’s true Church must and should stand in the gap and commit to abolishing abortion throughout the United States of America.
Ephesians 5:11-14
“Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead expose and reprove and convict them. It is shameful even to talk about what those people do in secret. But the light makes all things easy to see, and everything that is made easy to see can become light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper! Rise from death, and Christ will shine on you.”
Haman, a man second to the king, was annoyed with Mordecai, a Jew who would not bow down to him. He decided to present a plan to the king which falsely accused the Jews of undermining his authority. This plan called for the King to authorize a day for all the subjects in his empire to slaughter the Jews living amongst them.
Haman was successful in his deception, for the king authorized this plan and made it known to all his subjects. He sent announcements to every province in every language, so that all would participate, and the annihilation of the Jews would be complete.
However, Mordecai and Esther knew they had to expose Haman’s evil plot if they were to save the Jews.
When Mordecai learns of Haman's wicked plot, he tears his clothes and goes into bitter mourning, lying in sackcloth and ashes at the king's gate. This is as close as he can get to Esther, for it is unlawful for anyone to enter the palace grounds in sackcloth (Esther 4:2).
As the king's decree spreads throughout the kingdom, many other Jews also don sackcloth and ashes, weep and fast. Plainly, Mordecai's mourning for his brethren is real and heartfelt, not ritualistic or put on to get sympathy. If anything, he is likely mourning before God for deliverance of his people.
Esther's servants bring word to her of her cousin's state, so she sends him new clothes to cover him. It is interesting that she does not bother to find out why he mourns before she acts. Here is her cousin, whom she loves dearly, perhaps more than even her parents, and she tries to squelch his grief without ascertaining its cause.
Perhaps she fears his actions will reveal her as a Jewess, or maybe she feels his public mourning brings embarrassment to her and/or the king.
But Mordecai refuses her tokens of comfort, so she sends a chamberlain to find out why he is mourning. Mordecai responds, instructing her about what she must do, and also sending along a copy of the king's decree. Mordecai charges her to go before the king to beseech him to spare their people's lives.
Esther still tries to avoid becoming involved by sending word back to him, saying that everyone knows that if she goes before the king without being called, she may very well lose her life! Perhaps Esther allows her fears to get the most of her at this point. Just as trials are not easy for us, this is not a "walk in the park" for Esther. She is scared she will lose what she had—terrified that she will die! The "what ifs" are affecting her just as they do us.
Mordecai answers more sternly the third time. He warns her that even though she is queen, she will not be safe from Haman's thugs. His faith, however, never wavers, for he tells Esther that if deliverance for the Jews does not come through her, it will arise from somewhere else. Mordecai knows God is at work.
In the back of her mind, she has probably known all along what she has to do, and the next step she takes is what should come to a godly mind first. She sends word to Mordecai to fast and pray for three days along with all the Jews in Shushan. For her part, she says:
“Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16).
For Esther there is only one way out, and that is to submit to God's will!
When we face trials, it is very hard for us to see past what is affecting us in the present to the purpose God is working out just a short time ahead. This shortsightedness is a failing of our human nature and rather self-centered.
God's perspective is always long-range and outgoing, and Mordecai's reminder to Esther pointed this out to her. She pushes down her fears and puts her life on the line to help others.
The book of Esther is a perfect example of the love and outgoing concern we should be practicing toward our brethren, the developing brethren in the womb. Paul writes:
This is a faithful saying . . . that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. . . . [Again] let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. (Titus 3:8, 14)
Mordecai mourns greatly for the welfare of his brethren. Esther, after much soul-searching, submits to God's will and allows Him to work through her. Both of these are good works that sacrifice the self to bring benefits to others in need.
These works do not go unrewarded. God exalts Mordecai to a position of great wealth, trust, responsibility and prestige over all Persia (Esther 8:2; 10:2-3). Esther remains the loyal and favorite wife of Ahasuerus, and from all indications her wealth and power in the realm increase as well (Esther 8:1, 7-8; 9:29-32). God is certainly faithful and generous to those who humbly live His way of loving concern and self-sacrifice.
James 4:7-10 seems to encapsulate the lessons from the lives of Esther and Mordecai:
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil [and his plots] and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. . . . Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
The Warriors in God’s Church must rise up and stand in the gap for our fellow brethren in the womb. It is self-evident that these developing men in the womb are created equal and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Like Queen Esther and Mordecai, the Church of God must intercede and submit to God’s will which is abolish abortion in the United States.
I always tell people that God does not use perfect vessels because there are none. God uses willing vessels. I urging and encouraging my fellow believers in Christ to set aside their differences and unite behind this mission to abolish abortion. The roadmap to our mission or calling is exemplified in the book of Esther in the Bible.
A long time ago in a land far away, a little orphan girl looked forward on an uncertain future until an older cousin stepped forward. He took her into his home and raised her as his own child. This cousin taught her to fear God, and God blessed her with charm and beauty that surpassed that of other women. Seeing that God was with her, her cousin did all he could to ensure that she understood God's will.
This is the story of Esther and her cousin Mordecai. In the book that bears Esther's name, God is never mentioned by name, but there may be no other book in the Bible where God is more visible. The providence of God shines through clearly as we see Him working out His plan in its ten short chapters.
It is a well-known biblical fact that the name of God is not found even once in the text of Esther.
But is God really missing from this book?
Obviously, God and His providence are major factors in the outcome of events, so the argument is strictly over His absent name. However, it may not be so truant after all.
Esther 5:4, almost exactly in the middle of the book, can be considered its pivotal verse: "So Esther answered, ‘If it pleases the king, let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I have prepared for him.'"
At this point Esther has committed herself in faith to her plan of action, and as yet she does not know if the king will intervene. It is in this context, then, that God's name "appears."
In Hebrew the phrase "let the king and Haman come today" is four words: yaabow' hamelek wahaamaan hayown. The initial letters of this phrase forms an acrostic, Y-H-W-H, the consonants that spell the name Yahweh, translated LORD in the Scriptures.
Acrostics, especially those that spell out God's name, are very rare. In fact, Jewish copyists carefully guarded against the accidental acrostic that might spell out this divine name because it was considered inviolate and ineffable. We can only assume, then, that this acrostic is purposeful, including God in the events of Esther's day, though working in the background.
The story of Queen Esther and Mordecai in the Bible teaches us of God’s divine providence when the odds are stacked up against us. Mordecai petitioned Queen Esther to step out in faith and hold corrupt Haman accountable before King Ahasuerus.
Queen Esther chose faith over fear, prayed, and fasted to expose Haman’s corruption intent against God’s chosen people. God granted Queen Esther favor with King Ahasuerus. Haman’s corruption was exposed and his wicked plans against God’s chosen was not successful. It was the law of the land that no one could come before King Ahasuerus without an invitation from the King himself.
A concerned Queen Esther placed her faith in the God of the Bible and petitioned the courts of Heaven through prayer and fasting. With the help of Mordecai and other Jews throughout the provinces of Persia, Queen Esther was victorious in exposing Haman and protecting her people from destruction.
I am following in Queen Esther’s footsteps in uniting and mobilizing God’s Church to commit to Abolishing Abortion.